multiple lines?
2010-01-07 09:53:37 UTC
Awesome - I'm so glad I've found rush. Very cool : ) My one wish is
for code spanning multiple lines. Multi-line string definitions,
easier in-shell method or class definitions, that sort of thing would
be really great. Don't know if that is too far out or not, but am
curious to see what people have to say about it. How does irb handle
this? Is TryRuby working on this also? Is it simply better that a
shell not have to worry about holding out on compiling code till it
thinks it's got the whole of a block or whatever?

2010-02-05 12:15:58 UTC
Yep, awesome it is!

What I regard as a drawback are not-so-userfriendly ruby stacktraces
you get on most errors.

Just checked - irb has multiline string definitions and code spanning,
rush seems not to have them - it's still at a rather early stage to
care about that kind of convenience :)
Post by metasoarous
Awesome - I'm so glad I've found rush. Very cool : ) My one wish is
for code spanning multiple lines. Multi-line string definitions,
easier in-shell method or class definitions, that sort of thing would
be really great. Don't know if that is too far out or not, but am
curious to see what people have to say about it. How does irb handle
this? Is TryRuby working on this also? Is it simply better that a
shell not have to worry about holding out on compiling code till it
thinks it's got the whole of a block or whatever?
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