Is Rush dead?
2011-01-28 19:51:08 UTC
There where no commits to the git repository for about a year, so is
the Rush project dead?
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2011-02-12 22:30:26 UTC
About a week ago I get ill and won't be able to do any serious work,
so decided it would be interesting to do something small and cool. And
made a 'Virtual File System', a small tool, similar to Rush but with a
little different goals and scope.

here it is https://github.com/alexeypetrushin/vfs
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Diamantini Maurice
2011-02-13 11:00:55 UTC
Post by alexey.petrushin
About a week ago I get ill and won't be able to do any serious work,
so decided it would be interesting to do something small and cool. And
made a 'Virtual File System', a small tool, similar to Rush but with a
little different goals and scope.
here it is https://github.com/alexeypetrushin/vfs
Very interesting and very promising!
I really hope this project will evolve and will be maintained!

I'm looking to use something like Rake or Capristano for some work.
Somebody try me to make use of Fabric (a python simplified clone of capristano).
But I don't like python (but I could like Fabric...).

I would have liked to use Rush but I seems dead, and I don't want to depend
on something unmaintained.

Some package based on Rush ideas above Rake would be great.
It seems that it's what you are going to do!

I also note that you did other admin utilities for Ruby.
So what about building the successor of Capistrano, organized on
several independent layers (Rush, Vfs, ...).

You also did a fork of Rush itself. Do you want to maintain it
(I hope so) ?

Some other questions :
- are these extensions pure Ruby or there is some native code?
- will Vfs includes al feature of Rush?
- are there some howto (recipe, ...) examples for some deploying task?
- do you think thes tools can replace some basic feature of Capristano ou Fabric?
- are these extensions already usable (even if not API stables)?
- what do you want as future for these extensions?
- is there some mailing list.

Using Github, for these object admin tools is a positiv point for the future

-- Maurice
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2011-02-15 18:47:08 UTC
Thanks for reply :)
Post by Diamantini Maurice
I also note that you did other admin utilities for Ruby.
So what about building the successor of Capistrano, organized on
several independent layers (Rush, Vfs, ...).
I belive Rush consist of 3 independet parts: FS abstraction, OS
abstraction, drivers (local + remote over http).
So, I created similar components: Virtual File System (vfs), Virtual
Operating System (vos),
a couple of drivers (local + remote over ssh).
You can use them as independent components or as a whole and get thus
a Rush/Capistrano clone.
Post by Diamantini Maurice
You also did a fork of Rush itself. Do you want to maintain it (I hope so) ?
Actually I tried, but then decided that I like Rush API very much and
want it not only for my administration scripts but also for
my day-to-day programming, as a replacement of File/Dir/FileUtils, so
I created Vfs. It's very tiny, and doesn't have performance
loss compared to File/Dir/FileUtils (at least I belive in it :) ).
But if you also want extra stuff - just couple it with Vos and you'll
get it.
Post by Diamantini Maurice
- are these extensions pure Ruby or there is some native code?
- will Vfs includes al feature of Rush?
- are there some howto (recipe, ...) examples for some deploying task?
- do you think thes tools can replace some basic feature of Capristano ou Fabric?
- are these extensions already usable (even if not API stables)?
- what do you want as future for these extensions?
- is there some mailing list.
- yes they are pure ruby, local and ssh drivers also pure ruby.
- no, Vfs is FS-stuff only, it should be very small and simple,
nothing more. But you can use it with Vos (during the time there
should be all
features but right now there are only core features implemented).
- I hope it will be written in next week (because there will be some
minor issues and some refactoring needed), right now only the bare
- I don't know Fabric, and yes as far as I know Capistrano it should
be able replace all features, not only basic (it's my guess,
I used Capistrano but don't examined it in deep details).
- I use it for management of my server, here are actual scripts
http://github.com/alexeypetrushin/my_cluster, I
guess it is usable but there may be bugs, and probably some of API
will change a little over time.
- there are 2 different goals Vfs should be File System Abstraction,
you should be able to use it over any FS-like storage (Local, Amazon
Hadoop, Remote-SSH, In-Memory, ...), Vfs+Vos+ClusterManagement should
became Administration Tools (not only deployment automation)
that allow you to do things your way (not the rails way only as it's
with capistrano).
- there should be possible to create and discuss issues on the
project's github page, later I'll add docs as github wikipages or as
standalone site.

Thanks for interest :).
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2011-02-16 07:51:04 UTC
If I understand correctly:
- rush is more or less equivalent to "Vos + Vfs",
- Capistrano is more or less equivalent to "Rake + Vos + Vfs +
Although you said somewhere (about cluster_management) that it is only
for less than ten servers.

Many people are on this list means that they expected much from Rush.
Other people dreamed for (or started) some "Rushistrano" project.

Also, Adam Wiggins call (a year ago) for a new rush maintainer, and
stated some directions
(e.g. splitting Rush as you do with "vos + vfs").
See at:

So I think using this list for discussion about Rush derivatives
projects is ok(?)

Also, perhaps the set of the three gems "vos + vfs +
could be package as the "Rush v2" gem?

So if you make some change or add doc, wiki or so about your rush2
please post a message on this group!

-- Maurice
Post by alexey.petrushin
Thanks for reply :)
Post by Diamantini Maurice
I also note that you did other admin utilities for Ruby.
So what about building the successor of Capistrano, organized on
several independent layers (Rush, Vfs, ...).
I belive Rush consist of 3 independet parts: FS abstraction, OS
abstraction, drivers (local + remote over http).
So, I created similar components: Virtual File System (vfs), Virtual
Operating System (vos),
a couple of drivers (local + remote over ssh).
You can use them as independent components or as a whole and get thus
a Rush/Capistrano clone.
Post by Diamantini Maurice
You also did a fork of Rush itself. Do you want to maintain it (I hope so) ?
Actually I tried, but then decided that I like Rush API very much and
want it not only for my administration scripts but also for
my day-to-day programming, as a replacement of File/Dir/FileUtils, so
I created Vfs. It's very tiny, and doesn't have performance
loss compared to File/Dir/FileUtils (at least I belive in it :) ).
But if you also want extra stuff - just couple it with Vos and you'll
get it.
Post by Diamantini Maurice
- are these extensions pure Ruby or there is some native code?
- will Vfs includes al feature of Rush?
- are there some howto (recipe, ...) examples for some deploying task?
- do you think thes tools can replace some basic feature of Capristano ou Fabric?
- are these extensions already usable (even if not API stables)?
- what do you want as future for these extensions?
- is there some mailing list.
- yes they are pure ruby, local and ssh drivers also pure ruby.
- no, Vfs is FS-stuff only, it should be very small and simple,
nothing more. But you can use it with Vos (during the time there
should be all
features but right now there are only core features implemented).
- I hope it will be written in next week (because there will be some
minor issues and some refactoring needed), right now only the bare
- I don't know Fabric, and yes as far as I know Capistrano it should
be able replace all features, not only basic (it's my guess,
I used Capistrano but don't examined it in deep details).
- I use it for management of my server, here are actual scriptshttp://github.com/alexeypetrushin/my_cluster, I
guess it is usable but there may be bugs, and probably some of API
will change a little over time.
- there are 2 different goals Vfs should be File System Abstraction,
you should be able to use it over any FS-like storage (Local, Amazon
Hadoop, Remote-SSH, In-Memory, ...), Vfs+Vos+ClusterManagement should
became Administration Tools (not only deployment automation)
that allow you to do things your way (not the rails way only as it's
with capistrano).
- there should be possible to create and discuss issues on the
project's github page, later I'll add docs as github wikipages or as
standalone site.
Thanks for interest :).
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2011-02-17 10:48:42 UTC
Post by mdiam
- rush is more or less equivalent to "Vos + Vfs",
- Capistrano is more or less equivalent to "Rake + Vos + Vfs +
yes, You are right.
Post by mdiam
Although you said somewhere (about cluster_management) that it is only
for less than ten servers.
I think it's impossible to make an universal tool that will be best in
any situations,
the goal of 'cluster_management' gem - to be a small and easy to use.
Simple things should be simple, You don't have to learn custom API/DSL
(well just a little maybe :) )
or run your configuration server (like Cheff) only to install some
software on bunch of servers.
If you need to manage really big cluster, It's probably better to get
familiar with tools like Cheff
and so on.
Post by mdiam
So I think using this list for discussion about Rush derivatives
projects is ok(?)
Yes, sure.
Post by mdiam
Also, perhaps the set of the three gems "vos + vfs + cluster_managment"
could be package as the "Rush v2" gem?
Personally,I love the principle "divide and rule" so for my taste it's
better to divide independent tools, but them also can be easily merged
in one.
Post by mdiam
So if you make some change or add doc, wiki or so about your rush2
collection, please post a message on this group!
Shure :).

-- Alexey Petrushin
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